Sunday, November 7, 2010

Interactive Rotoscoping

Here is another idea for my interaction. It will be something interesting for the user, but before working with the final version I will make a video test. 

Rotoscoping - is an animation technique in which animators trace over live-action film movement, frame by frame. Originally, recorded live-action film images were projected onto a frosted glass panel and re-drawn by an animator. This projection equipment is called a rotoscope, although this device has been replaced by computers in recent years. In the visual effects industry, the term rotoscoping refers to the technique of manually creating a matte for an element on a live-action plate so it may be composited over another background.

The technique was invented by Max Fleischer, who used it in his series Out of the Inkwell starting around 1915.

Patent drawing for Fleischer's original rotoscope. The artist is drawing on a transparent easel, onto which the movie projector at the right is throwing an image of a single film frame.(wikipedia)

  • Below are links to tutorials. This is a very informational video, helping me understand the basic techniques and rules.  

  • A roto vector animation using Adobe Illustrator and After Effects...

  • An example of Kanye West - Heartless - rotoscoping music video...