About ME

Something about me...

The subject of media was always a part of my life. I can say that I was raised in the media atmosphere, for my father is a CEO of a well-established music magazine. That is why I chose the subject of my studies connected directly with media.

Most people choose their career-path during high-school, taking into consideration their school achievements. I chose mine earlier, during prep-school, influenced by the journalist course. Creation of our own newspaper, broadcasting our own radio audition live on air gave me an insight into the subject. When I was 15,   I became a co-host of a children program in radio TAK, a regional radio in my city. I chose my course of future studies basing on these experiences.

I already have quite an experience in the press branch. I started as an office-helper for FERMENT music magazine. 2 years ago and managed to develop myself to the point where I represent the magazine on concerts and conferences. 

I don't narrow my interests only to the subject of media. I am a dedicated snowboarder, I won the ski and snowboard regional championship 5 times in a row. In the summer I love to sail and I have a sailor's qualifications. I had been attending classes of piano and keyboard in Vanax School of Music for 6 years.
I truly hope that finishing studies in the media subject will allow me to fulfill my life plans.
