Thursday, January 13, 2011

Interesting Questionnaire

Before I will start to record the final video parts I need to design my prototype of interactive video. During the week 12 my second marker recommends me to use SOPI Questionnaire for my user study. This actually could be really useful to achieve the appropriate engagement of the final showcase. 
  Independent Television Commission 2000

Please read the instructions below before continuing


We are interested in finding out what you feel about the experience you have just had
in the ‘DISPLAYED ENVIRONMENT’. We use the term ‘displayed environment’
here, and throughout this questionnaire, to refer to the film, video, computer game or
virtual world that you have just encountered. Some of the questions refer to the
‘CONTENT’ of the displayed environment. By this we mean the story, scenes or
events, or whatever you could see, hear, or sense happening within the displayed
environment. The displayed environment and its content (including representations of
people, animals, or cartoons, which we call ‘CHARACTERS’) are different from the
‘REAL WORLD’: the world you live in from day-to-day. Please refer back to this
page if you are unsure about the meaning of any question.

There are two parts to this questionnaire, PART A and PART B. PART A asks about
your thoughts and feelings once the displayed environment was over. PART B refers
to your thoughts and feelings while you were experiencing the displayed environment.
Please do not spend too much time on any one question. Your first response is usually
the best. For each question, choose the answer CLOSEST to your own.

Please remember that there are no right or wrong answers – we are simply interested in
YOUR thoughts and feelings about the displayed environment. Please do not discuss
the questionnaire with anyone who may also complete it as this may affect your
answers or theirs. We should be grateful if you would also complete the ‘Background
Information’ overleaf.

All of your responses will be treated confidentially.

Sense of Presence Inventory
Administration and Scoring Instructions

1. Administration

• Administer the questionnaire to non-expert participants immediately after they have
experienced the media display for which an experiential evaluation is required.
• Participants should not be made aware of the goal of the experiment(s) or that the
questionnaire is intended to measure presence.
• The questionnaire is to be filled in quickly, with immediate responses to the items in the
order they are presented.
• Background information regarding participants' previous use of media is potentially
important and should always be collected.
• As an approximate guide, the questionnaire should take 5-7 minutes to complete.

2. Scoring

• Each completed questionnaire will result in 4 factor scores (each generated by calculating
a mean of all completed items contributing to each factor) per media experience per

• The factors, and items contributing to them are:

• Spatial Presence

• Engagement

• Ecological Validity/ Naturalness

• Negative Effects

• Scores for each factor cannot currently be combined into one overall "media experience"
score - results for each factor should be analysed individually.

• Missing data must be taken into account in calculating the means - but should be
minimised through careful instruction in administering the questionnaire.

• When environments that do not contain characters are being evaluated with the ITCSOPI,
we recommend that item B23 be ignored when calculating the mean Spatial
Presence factor score - as B23 refers specifically to characters in the environment.

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