Sunday, September 19, 2010


I have decided that I will base my project on my interpretation of the movie called Alphaville by 
Jean Luc Godarda (1965) 

movie trailer:


and crime novels written by Vernon Sullivan 

More info about the author:

Both of these examples are the same that the Sufferrosa was based on. In my opinion it will give me a lot of freedom when it comes to my story of the project. Additionally, there are also a lot of similar resources across the Internet, that I will be taking notes from them.


I was discussing my ideas with Alison Varey and I have come to the conclusion that my Honours Project is to create a short interactive movie presenting full motion video of live action footage into an exciting array of extras. This would demonstrate a range of skills learned including use of professional suites such as:
  • Adobe Flash 
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Adobe Illustrator 
  • Adobe Premier Pro
  • Adobe After Effects 

    My first main idea is to use Adobe Flash to create an interactive movie to navigate through sciences, displaying the knowledge of the program.

    Friday, September 17, 2010


    I've found a really good example of Interactive Movie.

    SUFFERROSA, a new neo-noir interactive movie made by Polish director Dawid Marcinkowski.

    More info:

    From my point of view is a really extraordinary piece of work. It's beautifully shot, simply designed and cleverly written. It's non-commercial experiment, but rather the way showing the absence of existing commercial distribution platform for interactive film makers.

    The Story

    You are the user, who experiences the story of Detective Ivan Johnson, he searches for a missing woman. Your investigation leads you to the clinic on Miranda Island. After a few days, you wake up in a cell. From there your journey begins. It is up to you how you going to finish the story.

    The aim of this video is to find Rosa von Braun or just get out from the clinic.

    From the interactivity...

    This part might be the most useful for my project. The movie consists 110 scenes, using 20 different locations and 25 actors. There are 3 different endings, the scenes change every time they are viewed. It is a really interactive experience, where the user affect the outcome.


    To move in the video, user watch the scenes and then look for directions, left or right. There are also additional info boxes about characters and stories.

    This example gave me some ideas about my story. I could change the end of the plot and think about different choices to make.

    Monday, September 13, 2010

    Choosing topic

    At the moment I’m still thinking on what I want to do for my Honors Project. I attend to decide which idea I’m going to go through with by the end of the week.

    The topic of interest that I may wish to take forward into a project.

    My topic of interest is INTERACTIVE MOVIE

    My initial ideas about how I would carry out the practical aspects of  the project.
    First of all a lot of research will have to be done into how interactive movies work. This will be done by reading up on a number of resources and speaking to lecturers regarding the issues I have. The additional deliverable or prototype would also have to be created to show what I have learnt throughout the project. The prototype could consist of a short scenes which would be animated using Adobe Flash and Adobe After Effects which the user can interact to see the reaction this has in the plot. The player would be allowed to move around this scene freely.