Monday, September 13, 2010

Choosing topic

At the moment I’m still thinking on what I want to do for my Honors Project. I attend to decide which idea I’m going to go through with by the end of the week.

The topic of interest that I may wish to take forward into a project.

My topic of interest is INTERACTIVE MOVIE

My initial ideas about how I would carry out the practical aspects of  the project.
First of all a lot of research will have to be done into how interactive movies work. This will be done by reading up on a number of resources and speaking to lecturers regarding the issues I have. The additional deliverable or prototype would also have to be created to show what I have learnt throughout the project. The prototype could consist of a short scenes which would be animated using Adobe Flash and Adobe After Effects which the user can interact to see the reaction this has in the plot. The player would be allowed to move around this scene freely.

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